The Hinda Institute Reentry Education Program was developed to help people who were formerly incarcerated and now are reentering society to rebuild their lives for good. The objective of this education program is to assist participants to better integrate into society and to successfully break the cycle of recidivism.  The course topics include ways to cope psychosocially, practical topics like how to find employment with a prison record.

This year we initiated a certification program for peer support specialists. Our participants are success stories. They are human beings who have changed themselves and rebuilt their lives, despite tremendous challenges and prejudice.

The majority of our participants do turn over their lives, find gainful employment, and give back to their communities. They succeed where others could not. The Hinda Institute is there to support them.




  • The Hinda Institute has a recidivism rate of less than 10% (compared to a national recidivism rate of over 75%). Our clients do not return.
  • The education program included over 100 participants this year. We offer a new course every 2 months (3 to 8 sessions by ZOOM) taught by experts in the field.
  • Our program has been steadily growing as evidenced by our increasing enrollment. We now have up to 41 participants and an average of 24 to 27 participants per course.




  • 90% of our participants indicated that they are coping better with their lives as a result of our education program.
  • 80% of participants feel that their hopes for the future have improved.
  • 91% of participants felt that they were supported by a nonjudgmental community.
  • Participants have identified that they have a better understanding of themselves (84%), empathize more with others (96%), will manage their lives differently (76%), and are better able to cope with anxiety, depression, and anger (71%)








While Americans want to reduce recidivism, we go further and provide people with opportunities.  

STOP the Vicious Cycle of RECIDIVISM!



Our educational programs are proudly sponsored by:







Our educational programs are proudly sponsored by the Walder Foundation in memory of  Daniel Azari.

May his memory inspire all of us.




These programs are a collaborative effort of both state-based and national Jewish agencies namely the Hinda and Aleph Institutes, and local agencies who are working together to resolve the challenges of reintegration through providing training, resources, and support.

The inclusion and reintegration of all human beings are essential to building more inclusive compassionate communities and better societies.


“We will reach the time when there will no prisons only preventive education to prevent people from going astray from the right way” - Lubavitcher Rebbe