Our Mandate
The Hinda Institute provides counseling, visitation and support predominantly to Jews who encounter the criminal justice system, formerly incarcerated, spouses, parents and children in order to lower recidivism rates and ensure that those coming out of prison do not return.
We offer assistance with job placement, housing, training, social support, therapy and spiritual guidance.
Support For Families And Children
Families are deeply affected by incarceration. We counsel the family and children and help them cope.
- Women's Peer Support and Education - CARES PROGRAM
- Counseling and Support
- Casework support: Job placement, access to loans and funds
- Weekly phone calls
- Amazing Kids - Caring intervention, including therapy, mentoring, schooling and camping experiences for children
- Holiday and Shabbat Gatherings
- Community Advocacy
We believe in restorative justice and empower victims in their recovery process.
- Counseling and peer support
Programs Within Correctional Institutions
We are the Jewish prison chaplains for Illinois.
Visitation every month to every inmate in every prison at the county, state and federal level as well many prisons throughout Illinois.
For a list of serviced institutions, please click here.
- Counseling
- Education and study programs
- Lending Library
- Holiday based programs and food for the holidays
- Advocacy
- Religious items
- Jewish burial
- Mentoring
Support During Reentry and Transition
The HINDA Institute is the only organization which follows clients from prison to the end of life. Our integrative approach to prison reform keeps our clients out of prison.
- We employ caseworkers/social workers and refer to licensed psychologists (as necessary)
- Assistance with job placement (83% of our clients find jobs. Most are employed in one year. Job retention rate of 91%.)
- Financial and housing assistance
- Counseling services – Non-judgmental support, mental Health, addiction challenges (over 270 calls or visits/month)
- Reentry Education Courses – courses offered every month
- Holiday events and Shabbat meals
- Food delivery program for the holidays