Delivery of Chanukah Presents & Packages - for CARES Family & Kids
Thanks to our partners - Maot Chittim
Joellyn Stollar of Maot Chittim and Abby packing Chanukah gift bags and presents.
Thanks to a collaboration between the Decalogue Society of Lawyers, an anonymous Camp Gan Israel donor and Maot Chitim, Chanukah presents, menorahs, cookies, and chocolate gelt were purchased for our awesome children and delivered to our Hinda families.
We even baked our own cookies thanks to Lisa in honor of her mother Arlene, of blessed memory!
Thank you to Sandy, Fran, Harold, Vickie, Barbara, Jenny, Albert, Baila, and Ilya.
Chanukah Party with friends, music, singing, and of course great food!
Thank you Rabbi Scheiman & Abby!
Thank you Mr. Drizin and Mendel for the fantastic musical Rendition. The Rabbi for a great story and especially everyone for coming.