Learn How to Resolve Conflict - Mediation in the Family

Course by Dr. Kutzen and Dovid 


Date: Wednesdays, May 10 - June 7 

(5 sessions)

Time: 7:00 PM (CT) / 8:00 PM (ET)

Will need to pass test to get certificate 



  • Learn how to mediate conflict with family, spouses, children, employers
  • Deal with social prejudice
  • Know yourself (bias, countertransference) 


Prof. Dr. Stephanie Kutzen :

Dr. Kutzen is an adjunct professor in trauma and addiction at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the Jane Addams college of social work and the Hebrew seminary, Skokie, Illinois.

She is founder and director of Employee Consultation Services, a comprehensive human services firm specializing in counseling in the workplace. Her practice interests include re-entry services for individuals and families in the criminal-legal system.

Click on image to view the sessions PDF

I. 5/10/23
Session Name: Family conflict is normal - it’s the repair that matters

Topics: Introduction of course and facilitators
Sub-Topic: Presentation of results of pre-questionnaire

Objective: To highlight key elements of family structure that affect conflict management

Assignment: Questions/Comments


II. 5/17/23
Session Name:
Why do families work or fight?

Topics: The healthy family vs. the disordered family: sources of conflict
Sub-Topic: Shaming and Shunning in Disordered Families

Objective: To identify and clarify participants lived experience in managing/resolving family conflict

Assignment: Participant role-plays describing common experiences and outcomes


III. 5/24/23
Session Name:
Strengthening the family fabric

Topics: Seven common causes of family conflicts & practical conflict resolution skills
Sub-Topic: The importance of exceptional communication

Objective: To learn and demonstrate ways to improve family relationships with facilitator.

Assignment: Participants practice conflict skills


IV. 5/31/23
Session Name. Supplementary techniques for managing chronic family conflicts

Topics: Facilitated negotiation and mediation
Sub-Topic: Family counseling

Objective: To broaden participants “Toolboxes” in order to reduce resentments and conflict

Assignment: Role-play -  pairing peer counselors with clients to advise on alternative conflict management referrals


V. 6/7/23
Session Name: The art of promoting family trust and cohesiveness: A Summary

Topic: Becoming a role model in the family to mirror conflict resolution skills
Sub-Topic: Evaluation of course and facilitators performance:
Discussion and online Rating Tool, measuring interest in continuing education on the topic or others

Objective: To learn level and degree of course success in meeting participant learning goals